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vim-clap is a combination of fzf, ctrlp, leaderF, Ag/Ack, nerdtree(in some extends) ......

Check this: Clap

And this: Clap providers: Clap providers

And this: Clap providers

Yes, it also provide a preview window...... Clap preview: Clap preview window

You can replace you fzf commands with vim-clap, e.g. my vimrc:

noremap <leader><s-F> :Clap grep2 ++query=<cword><CR>
cmap <leader><S-F>h :Clap command_history<CR>
noremap <leader>ch :Clap command_history<CR>
noremap <leader>cf :Clap history<CR>

function! s:history(arg)
  let l:query=''
  let l:subcommand=''
  echo a:arg
  if len(a:arg) > 0
    let l:query=' ++query='+a:arg[1]

  if a:arg[0] == ':'
    let l:subcommand = 'command_history'
    let l:query=trim(a:arg[1:])
  elseif a:arg[0] == '/'
    let l:subcommand = 'search_history'
    let l:query=trim(a:arg[1:])
    let l:subcommand = 'history'
    let l:query=trim(a:arg)

  if len(l:query) > 1
    let l:query=' ++query=' . l:query
  exec 'Clap '. l:subcommand . l:query


" noremap <c-F>:Clap grep2 ++query=@visual<CR>
noremap <s-T> :Clap tags<CR>
nmap <S-F2> :Clap filer<CR>

command! -bang -nargs=* History call s:history(<q-args>)
command! Files :Clap files
command! Buffers :Clap buffers
command! Tags :Clap proj_tags
command! Buffers :Clap buffers
command! Commits :Clap commits
command! Gdiff :Clap git_diff_files
command! Jumps :Clap jumps
command! Yanks :Clap yanks
command! Windows :Clap windows
command! Ag :Clap grep ++query<cword>
command! Ag2 :Clap grep2 ++query<cword>

So in command mode, when you type History History! History: it will provides similar interface as fzf