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Some Neovim tricks

[nvim]{.spurious-link target=”nvim”} [keymap]{.spurious-link target=”keymap”}

\< C-Y > scroll-up

\<C-U> scroll-down

H, M, L go to high/middle/low it should move to first non empty line

d33| | moves the cursor to the specified column in the current line

Find replace

& stands for the matched words

press * and do :%s//xxx/ the search is omitted and it is the current selected word

Move around

+ - can also be used to move to + Move to first none empty char of next line

<CR> can move to head of next line

word and WORD

The difference between words and WORDS is that the former only include letters, digits and numbers.

word can be a sequences of spaces. do dw inside a sequence of space and see what you get. w, b, e, ge are word motions.

W move on WORD boudnary. following are WORD helloVimWord(){}, [1,2,3,4,5] etc

i a; there is also I and A insert at begin of line and end of line

Y yank; it is same as yy; P past above

s and S was remapped in hop/leap. s -> cl S -> cc


X delete char left of cursor (\<BS> in norm mode)

command range and g / v command

:. current line

:% entire file

`$~last line

*** ~:12` line 12

:12,14s/import/export/g replace from line 12 to 14

:.,.+12 from current line to current line + 12

:.,$ from current line to eof

:g/import/d delete lines include import

:g!/import/d delete lines do NOT include import it same as v command :v/import/d

motion vs / command

all motion can be replace with find / command. e.g dft can also be d/t<cr>


d0 delete to begin of line

use s to delete

  1. :%s/abc//<CR>

  2. it can also write as :%s/abc<CR>

db backward delete word

dvb and dve delete inclusive ; dvge;

das dap

dF* search backward and delete

with surround di* ca* da* etc

dh delete 1 char to the left; d3h delete 3chars to the right



g0 go to 0; same as gg

ge jump back end of word

g& it similar to macro, a command in Vim that repeats the last substitution (:s) command on all lines in the file. It's equivalent to :%s//~/g, where // reuses the last search pattern, and ~ reuses the last replacement string.

gJ join [cnt] lines J: join with remove indent, also works in visual mode

gq format text

wrap: gj, gk jump inside long lines , g$, g^

g<C-A> in visual mode/range, increase number of each line based on fist value in range. e.g. 1 1 1 1 -> 1 2 3 4

gu|U + text obj capitalization, e.g. gu$ guW, guu whole line, gU3w, gufk (lowcase to letter k)

`g~` similar to gu|U

gv re-select text

g& apply the replace changes to full document. It is helpful when you need to replace in one line and check if replace is correct and apply to full text


Search and replace

*%s/.$/&;/* .$ match a none empty line `&~is what was matched

*** ~:v/^\(/s/\)/;`

  1. :v inverse find /^$ is empty line

  2. /s/$/; command of v; replace EOL to ;

\ze: \ze Zero-width ending split the search pattern into two, first half is match can be used later on, e.g. end\ze(if|for) match both endif and endfor but the matched pattern is end so :s/\vend\ze(if|for)/&_/g replace endif to end_if

put=range(1,10) add 1~10 to buffer

<C-R>= e.g. <C-R>=range(1,10) use register with value of expression


v> indent current line to the right

>G indent from current line the the end of file to the right

=G remove indent from current to eof

>{ indent to right from begin of block to current line

= in visual mode, indent current line (based on context)

>> indent to the right with normal mode

Fugutive diff merge


Gdiff are used to merge diff conflicts. You can also use Gvdiffsplit! It opens

left(the branch you used to work on, or local branch) . The buff is named as fugutive//2

middle the current working file,

right buffer which is the remote branch that you trying to merged into current branch (remote). the buffer named fugutive://3

If the cursor in middle buffer, diffget //2 get changes from left file and use ]c to jump to next merge conflict. and use diffupdate to refresh file

when done, use only to close other windows

You can use diffput 1 to put changes throught. in fugutive, dp default alias to diffput 1



If git in merge status, DiffViewOpen will show the conflicts files

<Leader>co|ct|cb|ca select Ours, Theirs, Base and All or dx choose none
