If you do not want publish your docker to public registry(e.g. dockerhub, aws, aliyun etc). You can use a local/private registry. Docker provide docker registry(which is is a docker image)
A good reference by digital ocean how to set up a private docker reigstry on ubuntu 18.04 And Deploy a registry server
Publish image to private registry¶
Note: need a https server, or
add "insecure-registries":[true]
in /etc/docker/demon.json
docker tag mydocker:v0.1-11 private.docker.domain.name.com:5000/mydocker:v0.3-11
docker push private.docker.domain.name.com:5000/mydocker:v0.3-11
Trusted cloud native repository for Kubernetes Installation: [How To Install Harbor Docker Image Registry on CentOS / Debian / Ubuntu] (https://sxi.io/how-to-install-harbor-docker-image-registry-on-centos-debian-ubuntu/)